Henry was a dream baby and sleep through his newborn session like a champ! He had the most perfect newborn skin, too, and totally rocked the blue, green & sage colors!
And seriously.. just look at all the hair! <3
James David :: Indianapolis, IN Newborn Photographer
Christian & Lyndy brought their little man in for his newborn session a couple weeks ago. While he made us work and didn't want much to do with sleep unless he was eating and cuddled with mommy, we eventually won and were able to get some sweet newborn images. James is such a handsome little man and I look forward to photographing his first year of life. <3
Rozali :: Indianapolis, IN Newborn Photographer
Last weekend I got to see Miss Rozali for her newborn session. She was born on New Years Day with a head full of hair and long lashes. She was a complete and utter doll baby and you could see the love her mom and dad had from her as it was just beaming out of them.
She was also a master of the grumpy face as you will see. ;)
She is also one of my Sprout Babies and I can't wait to see her again at 6 months & 1 year! <3
Goodbye 2015
2015 was a great year for my business, I'm actually kinda sad to see it go. However, I'm so incredibly excited for all the things that 2016 will hold. I have so many new sessions coming up, lots of returning & new clients and a whole new website (and soon to be branding).
But for now, here's a look at my 2015 Newborns & Babies: